SE Conversion Process

Supervisory Board

Annual General Meeting

SE Works Council

European Works Council

Legal and Compliance

Language professionalism, content expertise and maximum commitment to your company.

As specialist interpreters and translators, we accompany you offering our experience and expertise during the conversion process of your company into a European Company (SE), at your supervisory board meetings, annual general meetings, SE works council meetings, also supporting activities of related bodies. Our clients are family enterprises, listed companies and law firms.

Our clients also rely on our expertise in legal matters such as labour law, company law, contract law and compliance.

For more than 25 listed and medium-sized companies, we have been able to prove how well we understand our craft.


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„Vertrauenswürdigkeit und hohe Qualität sind die Grundvoraussetzungen
für die Beauftragung von Übersetzungsleistungen,
insbesondere bei kritischen und vertraulichen Inhalten.
Sowohl die Simultan-Übersetzungen als auch die Protokollübersetzungen,
die von Frau Pesch und ihrem Team für uns erledigt wurden,
waren von hervorragender Qualität. Zudem ist auch die
Zusammenarbeit stets sehr angenehm und absolut reibungslos.“

Dr. Stephan Bühler/General Counsel & Chief Compliance Officer,
SGL Carbon SE, Wiesbaden

„Wenngleich die Eintragung im Handelsregister noch aussteht,
möchte ich mich, auch im Namen meiner Vorstandskollegen,
herzlich bis hierher bei Ihnen bedanken für Rat und Tat.“

Wittenstein SE, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dieter Spath,
Vorstandsvorsitzender (2016)

„Wir konnten uns immer auf Ihre kompetenten Dolmetscherkollegen
und Ihr ganzes Team verlassen, insbesondere auch in den kritischen Phasen und
wenn die Verhandlungstage manchmal etwas länger gedauert
haben oder kurzfristig Ihre Unterstützung erforderlich war.“

CompuGroup Medical SE, Ralf Glass,
Senior Company Secretary (2015)

„Die Abstimmung und Kommunikation mit Ihnen funktioniert
immer super. Ihre Flexibilität und Professionalität erleichtert uns
als Corporate Office die Arbeit sehr.“

Bilfinger SE, Dr. Sören Ludwig,
Legal Director Corporate Office & Governance

„Ihre schnelle Reaktion und Flexibilität bei kurzfristigen Anfragen sowie die stets
gewährleistete Vertraulichkeit möchte ich besonders hervorheben.
Ich freue mich auf die weiterhin angenehme und gute Zusammenarbeit mit Ihnen.“

Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA, Dr. Jürgen Götz, Vorstand Recht,
Compliance und Personal

„Liebe Frau Pesch, seit Beginn der Gründung der GfK SE im Jahr 2008/ 2009
begleiten Sie und ihr Team nun den europäischen Betriebsrat der GfK in allen Verhandlungen
und Sitzungen. Wir können uns dabei immer auf die hohe Qualität, Ihre Zuverlässigkeit
und schnellen Reaktionszeiten verlassen. Sie und Ihr Team sind ein maßgeblicher Erfolgsfaktor
unserer Betriebsratsarbeit auf dem europäischen Parkett und wir danken Ihnen
für die stets sehr gute Zusammenarbeit mit Ihnen und Ihrem Team.“

GfK SE Works Council
Sandra Hofstetter (2021)

„Mittlerweile begleiten sie uns nun schon fünf Jahre und unsere
Zusammenarbeithabe ich bislang noch keinen Tag bereut.
Das gesamte Team legt eine in höchstem Maße
professionelle Performance an den Tag.
Immer ansprechbar, flexibel, engagiert und mit
einem großen Erfahrungsschatz bei SE-Meetings.“

Torsten Tschoepe, Vorsitzender des European Employee
Boards der ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE, München (2021)


Efficiency – Flexibility – Reliability

You concentrate fully on your content – we take care of your specific interpreting and translation tasks.


We support the entire SE conversion process, from the translation of the notification in accordance with Section 4 SEBG to the interpretation of the meetings of the special negotiating body and the translation of the final involvement agreement.


Once the language requirements of your special negotiating body have been determined, we will put together a team of interpreters and translators who will provide you with support by means of written and spoken words throughout the entire negotiation process. In this way, we create the language prerequisites for efficient, flexible and reliable negotiations.

„The interpreters not only provided excellent language service but were also very familiar with the legal principles of the SE conversion process.“
Ulrich Schaal, Chairman of the EEB of ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE


Supervisory Board and Annual General Meeting

The Supervisory Board and Annual General Meeting are the most important bodies of family-owned and listed companies. Clear and flawless communication across language barriers is particularly essential here.


We carefully prepare every meeting in close consultation with your corporate office. We relief your workload also in the event of rescheduled meetings, interpreting in a virtual remote setting and short-term translations of draft resolutions. We put together a permanent team of interpreters and translators for your company. Mastery of your company terminology as well as absolute confidentiality are a matter of course for us.

„I would particularly like to emphasise the quick response and high flexibility in the event of last-minute requests, as well as the confidentiality we could always rely on.“
Dr Jürgen Götz, Chief Legal, Compliance and Human Resources Officer, Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA


SE Works Council and European Works Council

SE Works Councils and European Works Councils reflect the diversity of a company. We make sure that this diversity is also expressed across languages.


Our team of interpreters and translators is familiar with your company and supports the work of the SE Works Council or European Works Council and its committees both verbally and in writing. With professional expertise and personal commitment.

„Putting together a MAN core team has proven to be of great value as your interpreters are very familiar with MAN-specific topics not only in the field of commercial vehicles and mechanical engineering, but also with our internal processes and topics.“
Jürgen Dorn, Chairman of the MAN SE Works Council and Dr Michael Bolte, Advisor to the MAN SE Works Council


Law and compliance

As corporate structural areas, law and compliance are fundamental to every company. We translate the specific terminology of your legal texts precisely and seamlessly in accordance with the dual control principle. We have specialised in labour law, company law, contract law, competition law and corporate governance.


Our well-established network of simultaneous interpreters is ideally complemented by academically qualified specialist translators, including fully qualified lawyers with a double degree. Translators and proofreaders work hand in hand, as for us, quality is always a team effort.

„Even at short notice, translations were also delivered on schedule and in high quality within a very short period of time. This was very helpful, especially in the final phase of negotiations. In short: highly recommended!“
Ulrich Schaal, Chairman of the EEB of ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE


GMP Audit

Quality assurance in the production of medicinal products, active ingredients and food can be crucial to a company’s success. We know how important GMP audits are for your company and ensure that also when dealing with foreign auditors you convey a clear message.


We prepare each audit process carefully offering specific know-how. Our interpreters, who work in permanent client-based core teams, know what is important in a GMP audit. Whether spontaneous interpreting of a cleaning validation document or the ad-hoc translation of an SOP: we are your language bridge to the auditors.

„Your committed and competent involvement as interpreter and the provision of suitable interpreters contributed significantly to the success of these inspections.“
Dr Thomas Meiwes, Site Manager Frankfurt Biotechnology and Dr Thomas Schäfer, Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH




International Events

Your company has long since grown beyond German borders and you work in a multilingual environment. International English as corporate language is a matter of course for you. But there are situations in which you need to be understood 100 per cent without any ambiguities.


Every corporate event offers the unique opportunity to present your products and services, communicating your messages, touching people and giving them a new, sharpened view of your company – provided you are understood correctly. We make sure that you convince your customers and guests in all languages.

„Your efforts both in preparing for these high-level meetings and in their practical implementation were characterized by professionalism, precision always with the necessary sensitivity. The Hessian State Chancellery, in particular, the Protocol Office, was fully satisfied with your services.“



Professionality – Experience – Long-Term Cooperation

Interpreting services for conferences or committee meetings need to be managed like any other project.

Organization of specialist interpreter and translator teams

In close coordination with you, we organise the right team of interpreters and translators. In doing so, we draw on our network of highly qualified and experienced conference interpreters and translators. We will put together a core team for your company that will support you in the long term.


Extensive consultation before, during and after assignments ensures that our language team meets your exact requirements. The core team of interpreters is set up in such a way that you can also use their services for meetings at short notice, such as an extraordinary supervisory board meeting. Our back office provides all the interpreters in charge with the necessary documents. In addition, a team leader is available as contact person on-site during the assignment.

„We particularly appreciated the absolutely reliable organisation, even when planning meetings at short notice.“
Georg Kordges, Head of the Group Legal Department, ARAG SE


Project management for specialist translations

„The written word counts“: this principle applies in particular to negotiations in the SNB, draft resolutions for the supervisory board or the translation of your GDPR guidelines.


It is crucial that the relevant terminology is used consistently, both in writing and verbally ensuring that international participants are able to operate in a secure legal language framework. Our team therefore also includes specialist translators with a focus on law and trained lawyers from the various EU jurisdictions. We translate all meeting-related documents, such as information letters to employees announcing the change of legal form, invitations, minutes and other meeting-related documents, with the same level of expertise.

“All translations were delivered on time and to a high standard, even with very tight deadlines.“
Ulrich Schaal, Chairman of the EEB of ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE, Munich


Conference technology

In close cooperation with you, we ensure that the technical requirements for professional simultaneous interpreting are met, such as interpreting booths, microphones, headphones and transmission systems. We will be happy to advise you on the most suitable technology for your meeting and obtain quotes from our trusted technology partners. Based on our practical experience, we know what is important here.

Video conferencing

Apps such as Microsoft Teams, Webex, GoToMeeting or Zoom have long been standard in modern communication. There are also various technical options for multilingual web meetings. These include cloud-based platforms specially developed for multilingual conferences or interpreting via the familiar platforms using so-called hubs, the mobile conference rooms. In constant exchange with our trusted technology partners, we ensure that we can offer you interpretation for your conference using state-of-the-art IT solutions. Data privacy and discretion are our top priorities.



Marie-Luise Pesch | Managing Director

Marie-Luise Pesch is a sworn interpreter and accredited translator for Spanish and English, specializing in European law (Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg). She has more than 20 years‘ professional experience and has assisted in more than 25 successful SE conversions. Marie-Luise describes herself as „highly committed“ and combines her passion for languages with organizational talent and strong nerves.

„Our aim is to provide the highest quality language services and organization. Integrity and responsibility are the guiding principles of our work“.

Member of the VKD (German Association of Conference Interpreters) in the BDÜ (German Association of Interpreters and Translators) and bound by BDÜ’s Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.


Eva Schmitt-Lautenschlager | Senior Partner

Eva Schmitt-Lautenschlager is a sworn interpreter for English and Italian, specialized in economics (Saarland University). She has more than 25 years‘ experience of interpreting in an international context, particularly at board meetings and general meetings. As part of Marie-Luise Pesch’s team, she has been involved in numerous SE conversions. Eva Schmitt-Lautenschlager impresses not only with her professional voice, but also with her confidence in words and style, coupled with commitment and resilience.

„With three languages spoken in my family, I think I was born with a love of languages. This made me curious about everything that had to do with communicating with each other. Working as an interpreter to ensure that people from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds understand each other is and will always be my dream job“.

Member of the VKD (German Association of Conference Interpreters) in the BDÜ (German Association of Interpreters and Translators), member of AIIC (International Association of Conference Interpreters) and bound by the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct of both professional associations.


Heike Kirschner | Senior Partner

Heike Kirschner is a sworn interpreter for English and Spanish, specializing in economics (Saarland University). She has worked as a freelance conference interpreter for more than 25 years, mainly at specialist conferences in a wide range of sectors. She has been working as part of Marie-Luise Pesch’s team on a number of SE conversions and interprets at supervisory board meetings and annual general meetings. Heike Kirschner impresses with her focus and determination, as well as her ability to pick up the underlying tone of a conversation and translate it into the other language.

„Being a conference interpreter never fails to inspire me. I love to learn about new subject areas and to get to the point with linguistic precision. Wit, irony and the ability to read between the lines are as important to me as the right understanding of cultural diversity, so that what is said is understood as it is actually meant“.

Member of AIIC (International Association of Conference Interpreters) and the VKD (German Association of Conference Interpreters) in the BDÜ (German Association of Interpreters and Translators), serving several times as a mentor for young interpreters and bound by the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct of both professional associations.


Lena Haupt | Junior Partner

Lena Haupt is a sworn conference interpreter and translator for English and French (University of Heidelberg). With roots in the Rheingau-Taunus region of Germany, family connections to South Africa and several periods of study and living abroad in Europe and North America, she feels at home in many regions of the world and is very familiar with the many varieties of English and French. Working mainly in the fields of employee representation and the automotive industry, she is motivated and passionate about learning new subjects. Her organisational skills and quick comprehension help her to approach each interpreting assignment conscientiously and competently.

„My love for this profession also comes from its similarity to sport. Volleyball is about team performance, tennis is about precision and speed, and conference interpreting brings it all together: always on the ball linguistically and professionally and perfectly coordinated with my team“.

Member of the VKD (German Association of Conference Interpreters) in the BDÜ (German Association of Interpreters and Translators), Pre-candidate of the AIIC (International Association of Conference Interpreters) and bound by the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct of both professional associations; generally sworn interpreter and authorized translator for the English language.


Juliette Lenoble | Junior Partner

Juliette Lenoble is a conference interpreter and translator for French, Spanish and English (University of Heidelberg). She grew up in an Austrian-French family in Vienna. In this metropolis at the heart of Europe, she was exposed to a variety of languages and cultures from an early age. She has also spent a great deal of time abroad, thanks to numerous internships, study visits and trips to Latin America and Spain. The experience she has gained helps her every day in her work, which she is passionate about.

„Interpreting is a profession where curiosity is the driving force and not a day goes by without you learning something new. It is a job made for people like me, who enjoy the balancing act between different languages, cultures and special topics.”

Member of the VKD (German Association of Conference Interpreters) in the BDÜ (German Association of Interpreters and Translators), Member of the AIIC (International Association of Conference Interpreters) and bound by the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct of both professional associations, freelance interpreter at the EU-Institutions.


Julia Lippold | Backoffice Manager

First-class service requires a solid infrastructure, and that is what Julia Lippold provides in the back office. She grew up in Paris and has an MBA from Boston University Brussels. Julia knows that we owe our customers absolute precision and delivery reliability.

„Clear structures, targeted communication, service-orientation. This is just as important to me as keeping a watchful eye on scheduling, reliability and team spirit when dealing with colleagues.“


Catalina Merdaci | Backoffice

Catalina Merdaci supports Julia Lippold in the back office and ensures that everything runs smoothly behind the scenes with proactivity, empathy and a breath of fresh air. As a student doctor in Sweden, Catalina is virtually bilingual in German and Swedish and is also available to the team for all medical and pharmaceutical questions.

„A mixture of communication, attention, precision and targeted problem solving is the key to successful accounting. My motivation is to successfully combine these three components“.


Quality is always a team effort. Our network consists of around 100 qualified conference interpreters, specialized interpreters and translators who work on a regular basis. They know their trade, love their work and are used to combining their own skills with the knowledge of their colleagues. In this way, interpreters and translators from different disciplines form a multidisciplinary and effective team.

Membership of one of the professional associations for conference interpreters (AIIC, VKD in the BDÜ or other acknowledged professional associations in EU countries) is a prerequisite for admission to our network.

We work throughout Germany, with a focus on Berlin, Bonn, Düsseldorf, Essen, Frankfurt am Main, Hamburg, Heidelberg, Cologne, Mainz, Mannheim, Munich and Stuttgart.

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